This page presents a brief overview of those treatments which particularly appeal to men. Please contact us: +41 (0)33 673 80 00.
An intensive day of sports leads to tension and tired muscles. A foot bath and subsequent foot massage will quickly put things right. This is followed by the centrepiece of this comprehensive treatment, the sports massage for the back and legs (25 minutes), with a subsequent herbal wrap and cooling arnica gel.
Après-Sport, 60 min. | CHF 145 | Anfragen |
Gesichtspflege für den Mann mit Tiefenreinigung und Maske. Intensiv reinigende und feuchtigkeitsspendende Gesichtspflege für die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Männerhaut. Mit entspannender Gesichtsmassage und kühlender Maske.
Facial for him, 60 min. | CHF 125 | Anfragen |
After a cleansing footbath, the nails are trimmed and calluses and cuticles are removed and treated. This is followed by a beneficial peeling, a short massage and polishing (upon request).
Cosmetical Foot Care, 60 min. | CHF 95 | Anfragen |